Coffee Pro Honduras Bella Vista

First anaerobic-processed coffee I’ve tasted. While the unique flavors impressed me initially, I now prefer traditional processing methods.

May 11, 2021

Audun Peru Colosay

April 7, 2021

Coffee Pro Honduras Guara Azul

February 22, 2021

Karma Colombia Cauca Village

February 5, 2021

Father's Ethiopia Bensa Asefa

An unconventional 300g bag size, as opposed to the standard 250g packaging.

November 30, 2020

Hayb Ethiopia Kwiat

November 25, 2020

Coffee Pro Mexico Union San Pedro

November 9, 2020

Coffee Pro Costa Rica Candelila

October 13, 2020

Kitchen Coffee Roasters Rwanda Muteteli

September 24, 2020

Kitchen Coffee Roasters Indonesia Sulawesi

August 20, 2020